In order to get good credit you need to get a credit card. With this credit card you need to purchase items. This will allow you to get a credit history and then the bank will look at your credit history to see if you paid off what you have borrowed.
Here are a few steps to follow:
Find a credit card that has a low interest rate. See if the credit card offers cash back or points(for prizes). This can always be a plus. Then fill out the credit card application.
Figure out how much you can afford on credit card bills. Make sure you are capable of paying more important bills before using the credit card.
So every time you go to a store, use your credit card set of cash. You will get a credit card bill at the end of the month. So make sure it is affordable before you purchase anything on your card.
Once a credit card arrives pay it off, therefore you will not be charged a late fee!
Here's another way to build good credit !
Go to your bank open up a checking or savings account. The bank will see all the cash you have and might offer you a credit card( this is based on how much money you have in the account).
Also get yourself a prepaid credit card. You can call your bank and askfor a charge account. There you can fund account and spend how much you put in.
You can only spend amount you have deposited, once the money is all gone you have to fund the account again.
So make sure the only charge your credit card when you are capable of paying it off each month. Remember do not pass over your credit limit, this will cause a fee and lead to bad credit.